
Showing posts with the label starange

Call me insane but that's me!(( My strange experience))

It was just today when i was back from the classes and was having my lunch around 1200 hrs. Then i suddenly heard a beep in my phone. Got up and checked it. It was a message from someone! I didn't really cared as was having lunch. when i was done and checked it it was a friend of mine with  the initiation of the old fantasy conversation with a message flashing over my screen which read "Heyyyy" The message was followed with a smiley face "☻" The conversation was once in a blue moon with this piece of human being! She was supposed to be one of the " in a relationship girl" and phew! the unexpected she started flirting after the first few regular conversation! What are the guesses i would reply to to the messages first but no! I really don't know why i did it but i checked if her bf was online! I told some friends about it and they were like laughing till the as*** busted out! ROFL! Sounds funny but i really wanted to know what stuck me at the part...