
Showing posts with the label A story

The NAME Module (Episode 1)

I was wrong that day and the biggest mistake I made was thinking it to be a regular day. It was a regular day in the sense that there were no special markings on the wall calendar but it was seriously something more than normal for me to flirt with someone after a long gap of many months. My recent break-up, which was a couple of months back had left me with no intention to be involved again in this agonizing game of heart make and heart breaks but seeing this girl for the first time had a different feeling. It was a reflex that I started talking with her and it was a reflex that simple texts lead to serious conversations and there were ingredients of flirt in every bite of the dish. Had the leisure lasted a bit longer, I would've taken things way down but  life had different plans. That was what happened that day and it ended up for good. You can't write this stuff. It's more beautiful when it's unexpected and that was something that happened the following day. I was...

Emotional Male-The story of a father

-A common Sw & 31 initiative. 2017/02/10 Friday It wasn't a suprising fact but something unsual than what you get to see everyday. It was a happy moment. The end moments of marriage ceremony and every one was happy and living to their fullest. The moment came when you had to bid goodbyes and as usual the bride started crying and followed by every other female members of the family. That's what you should expect to see at the end moments when you're attending from the bride's side. It wasn't somthing unsual. It was actually the part that kept Saurav going. He started to make video capturing the moments to cherish. Then somthing unsual caught saurav's eye. There was someone crying. A guy. The bride's uncle. He was crying. Saurav saw him wiping the left of his both eyes followed by the right portion of both of them. He was crying for sure unless it was that two insects flew right at the moment simultaneously at the same time into both his eyes. As long a...

The guy

So this is about that guy, the guy whose passwords are nothing more from the value of pi to the speed of light. He is living his life a life beyond which lies a vast ocean whose existance is unknown to him. He don't know what else could he had achieved, what else could he have done because everything he's been through is under his reach, he thinks he's accomplished everything, each and every step of success, the limit of success  he defines is what he has but yet in a different perspective he's the poorest of all, he's cold and aloof, as the saying goes "If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together." He was always in a hurry, he never knew what he thought was a finish line was just the end of chapter 1. The end of the chapter, which in the new story was meaning less, it felt like a new world for him, a world of isolation, separation and and other word that could possbily describe   lonliness. all the synonyms of lonlines...