
Showing posts with the label real life story

Who loves us,whom we love.(The story of a deserted GrandDad)

Well, this trend has been going in the internet for a while now and i think i have a few words from my side too about this topic. So this is a story of an old man who invites 6 of his GrandChildren to visit him for dinner.Well in return no one except one decided to show up. He had 12 burgers prepared for 6 of his Kids. The burgers were far more worth than what it cost to buy them which the kids should've thought was worth missing. It had the love and sentiments of the old man which was later wiped out with tears of sadness. The picture clearly reflects his sentiments. This is not the story of this only man who got an oppourtunity to share his problems by having grand-daughters such as  @kelssseyharmon who was undertanding enough to bring the attention of the whole world under the topic. This story she posted, i don't know if it's true but i hope it is and i clearly undertand that it was a major issue today that needed to be brought under light. And she did good what she

Movies and our behaviour

Hey guys. It's Saturday and let me share something today too. It's my experience with movies> yeah! We all do watch them and sometimes are o much fantasized by them that we forget our self and try to imitate what's shown out there! You can't say no to that! Trust me i's just something that we had once in our life! This feeling caught me up not long ago but a few years back. IDK maybe i was 13 or something ( I'm 18 now) that i was damn fantasized by a movie and then another and it was a regular pattern that i watch one and a different thought occurred in me and every time it was based on the movie i watched. Yeah a new fantasy every time, either maybe saving the world or falling in love. When i was 16 i just thought it was some immaturity that caught me up but 18 and i still care for that.Yeah watching all those movies and growing different ideas of life that i was afraid to deal with real life to find out the actual meaning of it! I felt lost for an instanc