Who loves us,whom we love.(The story of a deserted GrandDad)
Well, this trend has been going in the internet for a while now and i think i have a few words from my side too about this topic.
So this is a story of an old man who invites 6 of his GrandChildren to visit him for dinner.Well in return no one except one decided to show up. He had 12 burgers prepared for 6 of his Kids. The burgers were far more worth than what it cost to buy them which the kids should've thought was worth missing. It had the love and sentiments of the old man which was later wiped out with tears of sadness. The picture clearly reflects his sentiments.
This is not the story of this only man who got an oppourtunity to share his problems by having grand-daughters such as @kelssseyharmon who was undertanding enough to bring the attention of the whole world under the topic.
This story she posted, i don't know if it's true but i hope it is and i clearly undertand that it was a major issue today that needed to be brought under light. And she did good what she did. It got viral and as i could read the comment of millions who came to know,i wondered if the people who are commenting such nice stuff are following them..
Actually i had a same story on a similar topic
We turn on our Tv and start to watch. There on a channel it shows a lion is chasing a deer. Everybody starts to pray that somehow a miracle happens and the deer gets saved.If the deer is saved somehow, we pray the glory of God and be happy and if it is killed we curse the tiger. That happens everyday. Then the part that follows is the scary one.. We turn off the TV, go to the kitchen and eat the Goat we killed last day for it's meat.
Here we don't feel pity for the tiger, we just envy it beacuse we know we won't be getting any benifit from the deer being killed and we even envy it because we can't do anything to the tiger. The tiger is to blamed for it's behaviour.He got that genetically,so here's a question for the people of the interent who commented on this trend "Not in a similar way, not only to your grandDad but everyone, how many time have you let people down just because you couldn't care less.. How many times have you left your friend waiting in the Cinema queue alone?? How many times have you told the teacher that you'll do the homework or start studying from the next day? Just rememeber how many times have you told your neighbour you'll cut the branches of the tress that are making mess in his yard? How many times you told your mom you'll clean your room, or your best friend who has been waiting for you in the scroching sun thinking that you're on your way but yet you are barely out of your bed..
Well i agree that even i had broken a lot of promises then i had promised to kept. And i do realise that making up for a broken promise isn't even a bit worth as much as keeping the promise. So as i say i don't make much promises,so that i won't have the liabilities to keep them.
Here in this case too if the grandchildren had got some work they could've told right when they were invited or they could've called once or maybe at least showed up once but i know till now they should've made the best excuses, they should've come up with better plans to celebrate their dinner with someone else.
And as in the tiger's story,let's sense it from another perspective,tiger even has his excuse that he was hungry but it couldn't be a coincidence that 5 of his grandchildren were ocuupied at the same day when they had to come visit their granddad.
I don't blame the GrandChildren either. We have been growing and bought up in the generation where we've been taught to value peer intimacy more. We are taught to be selfish by the world. We are taught that" if you start caring for others you'll fall behind" and a lot more narcissit stuff. We are taught to value virtual intimacy more than physical intimacy. We are bought up in a time where we enjoy listening to endless hoursbof podcast on how someone is spending their holiday but we hate to spend half an hour listenling to the story of experience of the old ones. We spend endless hours watching videos on Youtube but scrolling through old photos of our parents looks lame on us.. We are bought up in a time where people have stupid people as their role model(i hate to point out here to a certain person but i guess you can relate) but ignore their grandparents who have lived long enough to see all of the world and have all the experience they could pass on..
This might sound as if i am making it up but I have Both grandparents and both parents and i have listened to each and every one of their stories right from the time they remember and still haven't forgotten.. i know how they got married, how they have spent most of their life, the ups and downs in their roads, and the best time they had spent together. I agree that at times i felt boring, i was just yawing there when they told some of those but yet i listened, i listened to each and every one of it from every nook and corner and it taught me a lot of stuffs. I believe in the fact that you can't experience every thing and for the purpose i cover the rest by listening to other people's story and that habit of listening to them had a deep imapct on me for which i'm still thankful today that i turned out to be a good listener.. i can listen to any stuff now hours after hours and i would have the same vigour at the end that i had at the beginning..
Well, i started with a thing and ended up with my story.. Hope this post will be an important message for a lot of people who ignore a lot of people , who ignore those people who loves you.. and ignoring a person who loves you isn't their loss but it's yours.. So be careful whom you ignore this time.. ;)
And here i decide to sketch the picture that got uploaded of the old man.. i know i am terrible at it but i guess it's worth it... ;)
P.s. This is my third sketch. :)
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