The NAME Module (Episode 1)
I was wrong that day and the biggest mistake I made was thinking it to be a regular day. It was a regular day in the sense that there were no special markings on the wall calendar but it was seriously something more than normal for me to flirt with someone after a long gap of many months. My recent break-up, which was a couple of months back had left me with no intention to be involved again in this agonizing game of heart make and heart breaks but seeing this girl for the first time had a different feeling. It was a reflex that I started talking with her and it was a reflex that simple texts lead to serious conversations and there were ingredients of flirt in every bite of the dish. Had the leisure lasted a bit longer, I would've taken things way down but life had different plans. That was what happened that day and it ended up for good. You can't write this stuff. It's more beautiful when it's unexpected and that was something that happened the following day. I was...