Dealing with your crush

Hey guys! How are you? Thanks for all your support for my blog! new followers and more views in the recent week! Thank you a lot for that!
I have something, maybe the most important till date to share with you guys! This is moreover a blog for your suggestions! I won't be laying off the high moral suggestions here, I just want to know what you guys think about it.You can even make a anonymous comment too.
Now here it goes! I'm 17 now and yeah 17, teen age, the age of craze but recently i am having a lot of changes, hope they are just hormonal but these are mark able changes!I can't just quietly ignore them. I started a show-off case, pretending being what i am not. I am just a good guy as everyone noted but no i don't feel it as per my definition of good. I am totally avoiding the reality and Damn! caring about things i shouldn't be. Like " Damn! Did i sound rude to her? " " Does she like me?" "Maybe! She acts different around me" I have lately started to enjoy peer groups.Class 8 health class! Yeah i know that! But let's get practical, in the context of Nepal we can't just generalize the same concept for a totally different society we grow up in it's really a great deal of event! Mentally it was really difficult to deal! You know "The CRUSH" feeling. May not be the first but every one of them is important! Yeah! You can't ignore the person, how hard you try! I deactivated my Facebook, twitter, and possibly every one of them i had! I am trying to ignore every thing with a person with #THE_CRUSH feeling. Damn, teenage! I really hate it !
What i want to ask?
First  of all this falseness and peer enjoyment! I want to deal with it in the best possible way and second thing is that The crush feeling ! How do you guys get over that! You may be a princess too, if you had a guy crush, how'd you deal with that? 
P.s. Each of your reply is valuable.

Have a good day and keep scrolling! 
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