
Showing posts with the label Dilemma

The stories of Success

The stories of success are effective when it comes from someone successful. This is one of the solid statements that won’t be contradicted on any grounds. What if I change the things the other way around? What if the truth is that, all those who have been successful have written their story way earlier than they claimed they did? Then, Will I have the courage to complete what I just started, A story-The story of success. The world has been saying practice because practice makes a man perfect. Yeah can’t seem true as it gets but where we miss is realizing the aspects to practice. You can’t expect an elephant to practice climbing a tree and hope that one day it’ll get perfect in it. Maybe it can get true but it’ll need constant practice from one generation to another where all the members of a ancestry will devote their life for a cause and when millenniums will have passed, one generation will arise where a fat creature with a trunk in its mouth which may or mayn’t be an elephant w...

The Get Together Dilemma.... :(

And the last farewell.. Sheduled to be on March 19 2016 and i suddenly started to question my plans on attending or not the ceremony. It's actually a Get Together. But if i had to get her.. i had to stay away from her as far as possible.. i don't want a misunderstanding be created due to the friendship on relationship. And ugh, trust me today i got it, in this low state of my life when three mood breakers are attacking at a time( Coordinator strikes again, she has been off for a time and last night i had bad(suicidal)thoughts) which i told no one. But 1out of the total n number of people turned up to my aid.. All others were making fun up the situation and it was beyond control... i hated it.. but i had to prove.. and despited i had a fight with "A" ((that's her initial, i ain't calling her Sw31 no more)) i called her up. She was from a distant place but yet she had known bout my problem. How?? I didn't cared.. Neither i had to .... i just write, thinking...