
Showing posts with the label sw31

The stories of Success

The stories of success are effective when it comes from someone successful. This is one of the solid statements that won’t be contradicted on any grounds. What if I change the things the other way around? What if the truth is that, all those who have been successful have written their story way earlier than they claimed they did? Then, Will I have the courage to complete what I just started, A story-The story of success. The world has been saying practice because practice makes a man perfect. Yeah can’t seem true as it gets but where we miss is realizing the aspects to practice. You can’t expect an elephant to practice climbing a tree and hope that one day it’ll get perfect in it. Maybe it can get true but it’ll need constant practice from one generation to another where all the members of a ancestry will devote their life for a cause and when millenniums will have passed, one generation will arise where a fat creature with a trunk in its mouth which may or mayn’t be an elephant w...


Who is 31?? With still the mystery remaining i take leave from another day. GOOD NIGHT!!. 😊

Valentine's day? sorry but it's not how it works

"Sorry,i'm sorry but it won't work" he was saying with a poker face. "It's ok... i can live with it."her voice seemed fading away as she turned around andnwas moving two blocks away as she said it. She had to take in two deep hreaths as it was laid. Awkward silence is what persisted after that and she chos to break the monotony as she began : "Are you having feelings for Selena? He was confused if he did or jot. He had no other option here than to say no which had a 50 % possiblity as he had never evalutated him and her. Thinking this took a lot of time and my silence led her to believe i did but in fact my answer spilled out no whose effect couldn't  neutralise the effect of momentary silence. "Then why do you hate me?" She was acting a reporter this time. He got tears on her misunderstanding. He just had enough strength to get up, look her in the eyes grab her and say " I don't hate you. I like you a lot more than you thi...