
Showing posts with the label love

Some stories of Love

I wasn't dressed the best, the first time I saw her.  The bliss of ignorance filled the air as a blow of senseless wisdom filled the spaces. Timing was at it's finest brew and the temperature of the room was matching the coffee pouring down of the coffee machine.  Eyes were rolling and everyone was looking at new faces that filled the auditorium that day. Happiness and Stress were distributed in equal proportions. Some were sure of their fate while some still argued that this is not their dream.  Maybe it wasn't,  maybe it was but still fate plans the best for everyone.  The rolling eyes that day,  caught some glimpses.  Some of the same glimpses happened to take place in the coming days leading to a deja vu situation where as some glimpses,  when happened didn't felt like it was the one and only time it was happening. But then time lead to prove that it was. Time is a strong player of the game. I never knew that the glimpses that happened only one, was going to happen

The stories of Success

The stories of success are effective when it comes from someone successful. This is one of the solid statements that won’t be contradicted on any grounds. What if I change the things the other way around? What if the truth is that, all those who have been successful have written their story way earlier than they claimed they did? Then, Will I have the courage to complete what I just started, A story-The story of success. The world has been saying practice because practice makes a man perfect. Yeah can’t seem true as it gets but where we miss is realizing the aspects to practice. You can’t expect an elephant to practice climbing a tree and hope that one day it’ll get perfect in it. Maybe it can get true but it’ll need constant practice from one generation to another where all the members of a ancestry will devote their life for a cause and when millenniums will have passed, one generation will arise where a fat creature with a trunk in its mouth which may or mayn’t be an elephant w

The NAME Module (Episode 1)

I was wrong that day and the biggest mistake I made was thinking it to be a regular day. It was a regular day in the sense that there were no special markings on the wall calendar but it was seriously something more than normal for me to flirt with someone after a long gap of many months. My recent break-up, which was a couple of months back had left me with no intention to be involved again in this agonizing game of heart make and heart breaks but seeing this girl for the first time had a different feeling. It was a reflex that I started talking with her and it was a reflex that simple texts lead to serious conversations and there were ingredients of flirt in every bite of the dish. Had the leisure lasted a bit longer, I would've taken things way down but  life had different plans. That was what happened that day and it ended up for good. You can't write this stuff. It's more beautiful when it's unexpected and that was something that happened the following day. I was

Emotional Male-The story of a father

-A common Sw & 31 initiative. 2017/02/10 Friday It wasn't a suprising fact but something unsual than what you get to see everyday. It was a happy moment. The end moments of marriage ceremony and every one was happy and living to their fullest. The moment came when you had to bid goodbyes and as usual the bride started crying and followed by every other female members of the family. That's what you should expect to see at the end moments when you're attending from the bride's side. It wasn't somthing unsual. It was actually the part that kept Saurav going. He started to make video capturing the moments to cherish. Then somthing unsual caught saurav's eye. There was someone crying. A guy. The bride's uncle. He was crying. Saurav saw him wiping the left of his both eyes followed by the right portion of both of them. He was crying for sure unless it was that two insects flew right at the moment simultaneously at the same time into both his eyes. As long a

I love my sister because...

#31_Writes @Sw31 I don't own copyright to any of these pictures and are used only for entertainment purposes.. Thank you for visiting. Please like share and comment.. HAVE A GOOD DAY!

The Constant Variable

Now the problem began from day 1 when i saw her and just-Just for no reason i fell, fell down in the trap doors of love below which i further went sinking as slowly time passed and intimacy had started to show it's influence. A year of togetherness followed by physical separation by increase in distnace in the next and as told hy Newton's law of gravitation " The attraction between two 'people' is inversely propotional to the square of distance between the two" the separation and extreme shyness started to show it's consequences and slowly we separated, far apart from each other, step by step as a diamagnetic moves in a magnetic field. But yet i felt for her, still i hesitated to look her in the eyes because i knew they could clearly reflect my love for her, i couldn't smile at her down the hall way because i knew the smile would mean something more than friendship. We were separated but never over. Then life happened but feelings that are supressed

The guy

So this is about that guy, the guy whose passwords are nothing more from the value of pi to the speed of light. He is living his life a life beyond which lies a vast ocean whose existance is unknown to him. He don't know what else could he had achieved, what else could he have done because everything he's been through is under his reach, he thinks he's accomplished everything, each and every step of success, the limit of success  he defines is what he has but yet in a different perspective he's the poorest of all, he's cold and aloof, as the saying goes "If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together." He was always in a hurry, he never knew what he thought was a finish line was just the end of chapter 1. The end of the chapter, which in the new story was meaning less, it felt like a new world for him, a world of isolation, separation and and other word that could possbily describe   lonliness. all the synonyms of lonlines


Who is 31?? With still the mystery remaining i take leave from another day. GOOD NIGHT!!. 😊

Ugly Guy Vs Good Looking Guy

These pictures explain it all and they are ture. Well, they maybe true maybe a portion of them but yet you can relate right?? These is what our perspectives teach and these are what we need to change.. i had came across a video of  a similar case in youtube which you can check in this link: Actually this starts with a guy who looks like a thug ( Story of my Life =D). He finds himself being hated by a lot of people. He collides with a guy on a train who mistakes him to be a pick pocket. He is mistaken to be a taxi driver when he was standing right beside. He is shown to be hated by people and he gets depressed and starts to curse his looks. The day ends and next day he saw another guy who collides with a man on a train who again blames him to be a pickpocket. The man earlier blamed sees this and feels happy in his heart as his pride had stuck him and he asks the man who was blamed now if he felt bad. The man just smiles and says and get this this is the m

Making a card tower. (ALL IT TOOK WAS PATIENCE) and the three rules i learnt.

So for the first time, realising i have enough leisure,i sat down to do something, try something i had never tried before. I wondered to make a card tower. I had a packet of card at first and i tried for a five storied tower but everytime i was to the third step it collapsed either due to my breathing or shaking hands.. So i decided, In my chair i recided, Calmed my hands and took a card, Slowly started and went upward, One by one step by step, Light breathing,full of patience, An hour passed and then the other, Not more than 5 levels had been over, 6th, 7th and 8th then i heard a knock on the door, It was my sister and all cards falled on the floor, i tried again this time it was easy 1st 2nd and i had reached the 10th, then i felt lazy, As my plan was to the 10th, To which i went. There i learned a lesson for life, Let's call it a rule of "decide" It's you who makes your fate, Your task, when you'll do it early or late. What you plan with your

The Get Together Dilemma.... :(

And the last farewell.. Sheduled to be on March 19 2016 and i suddenly started to question my plans on attending or not the ceremony. It's actually a Get Together. But if i had to get her.. i had to stay away from her as far as possible.. i don't want a misunderstanding be created due to the friendship on relationship. And ugh, trust me today i got it, in this low state of my life when three mood breakers are attacking at a time( Coordinator strikes again, she has been off for a time and last night i had bad(suicidal)thoughts) which i told no one. But 1out of the total n number of people turned up to my aid.. All others were making fun up the situation and it was beyond control... i hated it.. but i had to prove.. and despited i had a fight with "A" ((that's her initial, i ain't calling her Sw31 no more)) i called her up. She was from a distant place but yet she had known bout my problem. How?? I didn't cared.. Neither i had to .... i just write, thinking

I remember it hurt seeing her hurt......

I remember it hurt seeing her hurt. She was hurt, she was bleeding with fears, insecurities filled her heart and tears were the form that it could escape out of her body. She didn't tell me anything but yet i understood, i understand everything. She can mute down her volume but the fears that her eyes display and the words that her body speaks says everything. It hurt and it hurt more when the i couldn't help her. She was there but yet there was nothing i could do. She was dying but she's trying to show that she was living up to her fullest.. but she was. Was it a move to make ne jealous or an attemp to live those last few moments she would be spending in this country in the way she likes but i could see her having the spark for other guys. What spark i had for her,she can't see as thr brightness of my spark is so much that her eyes are forced to change directions without realising what were those lights potrating.. She could've made two lives better but she chose

We are different... ;)

And it was like a miracle, seeing her there unexpectedly, i was confused if i should, should? Nah! If i  could act normal. If i could just be me. she understood or maybe didn't saw me but she just went to the opposite direction in a group of her college mates. I was still looking at the group when i saw one of her pointing to my direction and to none of my shock she started the  journey. Some 10 meters distance between us and i remembered to my good that i was in the registration board. I was supposed to direct the group but there i was with a group of girls other, many of them creating a situation i couldn't talk with her.i could but i didn't want to, she came near and to my luck i was called by a teacher to the other part and we couldn't talk in between then. I saw she had a phone on her hand so i texted her pretending to call a friend, yeah! we're friends though, friends who talk, talk about all shit. We were just friends but as always at the end of the day a bon

Valentine's day? sorry but it's not how it works

"Sorry,i'm sorry but it won't work" he was saying with a poker face. "It's ok... i can live with it."her voice seemed fading away as she turned around andnwas moving two blocks away as she said it. She had to take in two deep hreaths as it was laid. Awkward silence is what persisted after that and she chos to break the monotony as she began : "Are you having feelings for Selena? He was confused if he did or jot. He had no other option here than to say no which had a 50 % possiblity as he had never evalutated him and her. Thinking this took a lot of time and my silence led her to believe i did but in fact my answer spilled out no whose effect couldn't  neutralise the effect of momentary silence. "Then why do you hate me?" She was acting a reporter this time. He got tears on her misunderstanding. He just had enough strength to get up, look her in the eyes grab her and say " I don't hate you. I like you a lot more than you thi

Just remember how you Kissed me. ;)

So january 25,1026, Oh! I mean 2016. Still her smell is having an euphoric effect over this melted heart which has been dived to it's core and out and the best it could have been through, so That day,today we were having exams, so at the midst of the exams, i could feel someone looking at me, i glanced back to prove myself correct but why?? Well i may have guessed she might want to know the answer but i was in a good mood so i asked what with my pleasent gesture. She on the other hand started writing without telling anything. Well, i frowned but what happened happend for the good as i could see the invigilator glance at me just the .01 second after i turned forward and started to write, had she replied i would still be turning back and could've been expelled or what so ever but no, i didn't. Thanks to her but yet i could feel the tension in her eyes, i knew something was wrong. Exams were over and i was out. I forgot about her but got lost in a group of guys, just before

The sad December 25th ( Too sad to be called Christmas)

And there she stayed sipping coffee out of her cup and potrating his helpless face. She was silent. She had finished her story and left him stabbed with a broken heart and leaving him wounded with the pieces of information she conveyed. He couldn't touch his cup. A thick layer of fat was getting over the cup with the decreasing temperature both in the cup and heart of a betrayed( that's what he felt) a guy who was not sensible enough to understand life, what it was or what it conveyed. hours passed and harldy there was any talk. He didn't touch his cup while she stayed there finishing her story and cup both being at the same time. she was moving apart from him, far apart what she presented was a compulsion, his view of it was a choice. But seeing far and apart  seemed good for her future, she was going to live up to her dreams and potentials, (at least he could sit there saying that,) it felt good to think it that way. He was sitting there like an idiot not realising when s