Making a card tower. (ALL IT TOOK WAS PATIENCE) and the three rules i learnt.

So for the first time, realising i have enough leisure,i sat down to do something, try something i had never tried before. I wondered to make a card tower. I had a packet of card at first and i tried for a five storied tower but everytime i was to the third step it collapsed either due to my breathing or shaking hands..
So i decided,
In my chair i recided,
Calmed my hands and took a card,
Slowly started and went upward,
One by one step by step,
Light breathing,full of patience,
An hour passed and then the other,
Not more than 5 levels had been over,
6th, 7th and 8th then i heard a knock on the door,
It was my sister and all cards falled on the floor,
i tried again this time it was easy
1st 2nd and i had reached the 10th, then i felt lazy,
As my plan was to the 10th,
To which i went.
There i learned a lesson for life,
Let's call it a rule of "decide"
It's you who makes your fate,
Your task, when you'll do it early or late.
What you plan with your heart is what you achieve,
So take your time and receive life all you can give.
And that was how i succeded.
I completed the 10 storied card tower which i kept for an hour and then boom in a second it was all over and i got another important message for life " Building things can take years but a single blow, the lightest blow is enough to pull it
down." So be preared to stay strong and face the winds in life..

These two lessons, i carry them with me. I carried them with me on my first day to college and i am carrying them now. I carried the lesson with me when i met 31. but i felt to implemet my second lesson when i fell in love with her.. I couldn't control it but now i feel good as what happened happened for the good because falling in love is the best thing that could happen.. and there with my life with Sw31 i got my third and the most important message.
One day,we were on a date and she told me that she would be leaving the country once this year is over and i felt bad. I felt terribly bad , it was christmas and i had my one of the other blogs about it. That day she had told me "The conversion of anger" You can convert your anger to your determination and aid it to support your goals.from that day i knew that it was true.. every bit of it.. and i felt happy that i broke one rule to learn a new one.. That's life... (:.


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