Hey guys! How are you? Thanks for all your support for my blog! new followers and more views in the recent week! Thank you a lot for that! I have something, maybe the most important till date to share with you guys! This is moreover a blog for your suggestions! I won't be laying off the high moral suggestions here, I just want to know what you guys think about it.You can even make a anonymous comment too. Now here it goes! I'm 17 now and yeah 17, teen age, the age of craze but recently i am having a lot of changes, hope they are just hormonal but these are mark able changes!I can't just quietly ignore them. I started a show-off case, pretending being what i am not. I am just a good guy as everyone noted but no i don't feel it as per my definition of good. I am totally avoiding the reality and Damn! caring about things i shouldn't be. Like " Damn! Did i sound rude to her? " " Does she like me ?" " Maybe! She acts different around me " ...