
Showing posts with the label hatred

The stories of Success

The stories of success are effective when it comes from someone successful. This is one of the solid statements that won’t be contradicted on any grounds. What if I change the things the other way around? What if the truth is that, all those who have been successful have written their story way earlier than they claimed they did? Then, Will I have the courage to complete what I just started, A story-The story of success. The world has been saying practice because practice makes a man perfect. Yeah can’t seem true as it gets but where we miss is realizing the aspects to practice. You can’t expect an elephant to practice climbing a tree and hope that one day it’ll get perfect in it. Maybe it can get true but it’ll need constant practice from one generation to another where all the members of a ancestry will devote their life for a cause and when millenniums will have passed, one generation will arise where a fat creature with a trunk in its mouth which may or mayn’t be an elephant w...

Ugly Guy Vs Good Looking Guy

These pictures explain it all and they are ture. Well, they maybe true maybe a portion of them but yet you can relate right?? These is what our perspectives teach and these are what we need to change.. i had came across a video of  a similar case in youtube which you can check in this link: Actually this starts with a guy who looks like a thug ( Story of my Life =D). He finds himself being hated by a lot of people. He collides with a guy on a train who mistakes him to be a pick pocket. He is mistaken to be a taxi driver when he was standing right beside. He is shown to be hated by people and he gets depressed and starts to curse his looks. The day ends and next day he saw another guy who collides with a man on a train who again blames him to be a pickpocket. The man earlier blamed sees this and feels happy in his heart as his pride had stuck him and he asks the man who was blamed now if he felt bad. The man just smiles and says and get this this is t...

Friend or foe?? (Part 1)

What was it?? I asked him as i turned around.  I could see a knife with it's handle in his hand and the sharp edge nowhere to be seen. The most i could see of the knife was it was insterted in a red spot with it's sharp edge and suddenly u felt the world disapper and i fainted as he stabbed me again with the same knife on the same spot. I was helpless as it had been like one of the situatuions like the assasination of Julieus Ceaser where he was stabbed by his own people,or i could say friends.. The situation here was not different.I could see the person whom i called my best friend stabbing me till death... it was a horrbile feelinh and the only good thing about the scenario was that it was a dream.. i woke up to find myself in sweat. My hearbeat was resonation with the sound from the wall clock which was now way louder than it ever could've been. I Thanked god for it just being a dream when i was unawrae that my life would witness a similar event. :(