
Showing posts with the label mental health

Mental Health - Is this depression?

Being a man of few words is a very difficult task in this society that can’t stop speaking. It’s just way too much to process when too much of it has been going on and it’s much harder when talking hadn’t been beneficial in the past at all. One could always ignore the negatives and head towards the source of light but it’s too hard when you end up colliding in the mirror, a mirror of thoughts, chained and linked over a thousand perspectives, hard to get your focus off of. When you’re not even the hero of your own story, because of the small demon in your brain which seems to give you a free choice, but what it really does is take control. It seems to be there for you but instead what it does is keeps you for itself, when you can just move on to a happier life. You seem to be going for happiness but instead it’s just a virtual image you see and once again you bang your head in the mirror thinking how you got fooled to move farther away from your dreams. This demon never allows the good...