
Showing posts with the label surprise

Valentine's day? sorry but it's not how it works

"Sorry,i'm sorry but it won't work" he was saying with a poker face. "It's ok... i can live with it."her voice seemed fading away as she turned around andnwas moving two blocks away as she said it. She had to take in two deep hreaths as it was laid. Awkward silence is what persisted after that and she chos to break the monotony as she began : "Are you having feelings for Selena? He was confused if he did or jot. He had no other option here than to say no which had a 50 % possiblity as he had never evalutated him and her. Thinking this took a lot of time and my silence led her to believe i did but in fact my answer spilled out no whose effect couldn't  neutralise the effect of momentary silence. "Then why do you hate me?" She was acting a reporter this time. He got tears on her misunderstanding. He just had enough strength to get up, look her in the eyes grab her and say " I don't hate you. I like you a lot more than you thi

Just remember how you Kissed me. ;)

So january 25,1026, Oh! I mean 2016. Still her smell is having an euphoric effect over this melted heart which has been dived to it's core and out and the best it could have been through, so That day,today we were having exams, so at the midst of the exams, i could feel someone looking at me, i glanced back to prove myself correct but why?? Well i may have guessed she might want to know the answer but i was in a good mood so i asked what with my pleasent gesture. She on the other hand started writing without telling anything. Well, i frowned but what happened happend for the good as i could see the invigilator glance at me just the .01 second after i turned forward and started to write, had she replied i would still be turning back and could've been expelled or what so ever but no, i didn't. Thanks to her but yet i could feel the tension in her eyes, i knew something was wrong. Exams were over and i was out. I forgot about her but got lost in a group of guys, just before