Just remember how you Kissed me. ;)

So january 25,1026, Oh! I mean 2016. Still her smell is having an euphoric effect over this melted heart which has been dived to it's core and out and the best it could have been through, so That day,today we were having exams, so at the midst of the exams, i could feel someone looking at me, i glanced back to prove myself correct but why?? Well i may have guessed she might want to know the answer but i was in a good mood so i asked what with my pleasent gesture. She on the other hand started writing without telling anything. Well, i frowned but what happened happend for the good as i could see the invigilator glance at me just the .01 second after i turned forward and started to write, had she replied i would still be turning back and could've been expelled or what so ever but no, i didn't. Thanks to her but yet i could feel the tension in her eyes, i knew something was wrong.

Exams were over and i was out. I forgot about her but got lost in a group of guys, just before my movemet to the stairs which led to the ground, i could see a image still looking in my direction, it was her. I wanted to talk to her,idk why, idk what i had to talk about, but yet i just wanted to talk. We were talking and the time was not at it best when we did so, we were slowly moving as we realised 15 mins had passed and no one except us was there, so it was a four storied journey down but the first flat down she started sobbing ,she had those beautiful diamond coated eyes filled with salty fliud which still had no effect on her beauty but her face was sparkling although the rays of sadness reflected through it. She was full of tears and yet i was confused why? She was both physically and mentally broken,i was confused on both those steps, i didn't know if i did anything wrong or what so ever but my (not so) intelligent, (not so) tiny brain thought it was a bad idea to ask it at the moment, so i just pulled her around to an empty classroom whose silence was the only thing broken with the entrance of two hearts which was like two magnets which were about to pull each other to act as a single unit. 

The classroom was about to witness a historic event which would sure be included in my life -chronology if i ever decided to make one. So i pulled her around, got her seated and offered her my handkerchief, it was foggy and cold  so i tried offering my coat as i couldn't see her getting frozen up like those tears of hidden setiments that i could see  frozen up in her mind that had chosen a cold morning to melt in the warmth of love between two hearts. I hope that's what i feel for her, i mean that she feels for me but yet love is mysterious you just can't explain it into words. some say you fall in love , other's say you fly in it but nothing happend to me i was moving as i was until today when she was there,  i was there, it was cold and if anything was missing was a hit classic from 1960s Buble album. 

 I let her take time and few moments after she opened up : " For the first time in my life i'm going to fail." For a moment  mind of me thought it was meant metaphorically to some figurative action in life but i was wrong, she was talking about physics exam. She continued " I couldn't process this feeling that i screwed up, i don't know why, i don't know how and yet i can't open up my feelings to anyone on this ,but today i saw you in the group, you were the one who i know wouldn't judge me, as you never have.i know i could trust you with all my little to big secrets. I don't know why i trust you but i guess it's because you deserve it, you deserve more than i can offer ,you deserve a better use of your time than sitting on this table listening to my crappy stories about my ex boyfriends or my celebrity crushes,, you deserve someone who could take care of you like you do to every one else.  I know my stories are boring, and still now i am giving you a hard time but i just thought i needed someone today, someone to be with me, some one to listen to my story, i can't process it that i am going to  a lot of people here if i failed out. A lot of people had hope on me. " 

If it had been some other girl, i would have said something stupid, embarrased myself or made her feel stupid or cheap, grabbed my coat and left but now i felt differnet , i know ,not all of me but at least some part of me knew that this will work out so i let her continue.

 i don't know what to do now. I  am not that kind of person but i don't know what had got into me, i'm feeling weak, weaker and weaker day by day and with every setting sun and every passing second makes me regreat my existance. I just feel better dead." 

Her last words were stunning. It stung , deadlier than a scorpion and it was the time i broke my constant gaze on the face which was all red and sweating. Despite all of it i could see the sadness in her face. The last words, she had stopped after that and i could see her eyes closed and i didn't realised when her faced had came  at an inch distance from mine and not a second later i could feel the warmth of a human flesh over my cold-frozen and unprepaed lips. It was the first time i was feeling something like that, it was a differnt vibe you'd feel, something you could call a combination of shock and pleasure. So two good things in a row : my lips were no longer virgin and second of it, it wasn't on me.

I stood up from there, i could see her eyes folded in as i could feel her surrendering before me, we kissed again but this time was on me. It lasted long, if looking at the clock was pleasureable than what i was already doing i could tell you how long exactly but least 30 seconds i say.

We were blushing, both of us, especially after the second one, it was the kiss which was witnessed by the four walls of the class and the cold breeze passing through the area at the particular time. I felt warm, this time she had got up,put my coat back on my arms and my handkerchief was in a postion ready to return to my pockets. She then said " thank you for all of this ,for listening to me and for being there when i needed you"  we walked together and there was not much of talking, we were walking far apart from each other ,i could still see that her friends were looking for her, i didn't cared if mine were too. Well, they would've if i had some. So i didn't cared. I just remember her last words. "Wait! She said thank you??"the pessimist me remembered "Doesn't that mean freindzone or what ever??" "But we kissed" the optimist part of me tried to calm me down. I could hear a student from nursery calling out "MiSs! MiSs!!" as i was leaving the school gate but all i could hear was " KiSs" a long passionate one which we shared that day.As i remembered this i gave a turn back and i could see her giving me a flying kiss which in no way i would miss landing on my heart.. ��


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