Some stories of Love

I wasn't dressed the best, the first time I saw her.  The bliss of ignorance filled the air as a blow of senseless wisdom filled the spaces.
Timing was at it's finest brew and the temperature of the room was matching the coffee pouring down of the coffee machine.  Eyes were rolling and everyone was looking at new faces that filled the auditorium that day. Happiness and Stress were distributed in equal proportions. Some were sure of their fate while some still argued that this is not their dream.  Maybe it wasn't,  maybe it was but still fate plans the best for everyone.  The rolling eyes that day,  caught some glimpses.  Some of the same glimpses happened to take place in the coming days leading to a deja vu situation where as some glimpses,  when happened didn't felt like it was the one and only time it was happening. But then time lead to prove that it was. Time is a strong player of the game. I never knew that the glimpses that happened only one, was going to happen again through an important creation of Kevin Systrom and it would proceed, so that those eyes could meet again, across the table of kamana within a distance separated by two cups of lattes.
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