
Showing posts from August, 2015

She touched me.!☺

[[This is unedited so sorry if any mistakes are found. 😉]] Let's begin. She touched me. Yup we were having the good ol' conversation and i never realised when we got too close. I have known her for only 3 years now and we weren't even this close more than 3 months long. Now she is there sharing everyday of her. She calls me exactly at 10. (Not exactly) We meet almost evey morning but she gives me a call to ask what it was after we departed and everything and same rule applies to me i do ask. Let's confess it not everyday but few days but time's exact. I never miss being online on viber then. Just for her. I've been out of all social media but couldn't levae that one. Once i tried i could stay out for only 5 hrs. Damn! It was like : 0800 hrs -app uninstalled 1300 hrs- Download fast come one why is the internet slow! 😂 YEAH! I know what you might be thinking and it's "dude!You're screwed!" I know that but can't do anything about ...

Dealing with your crush

Hey guys! How are you? Thanks for all your support for my blog! new followers and more views in the recent week! Thank you a lot for that! I have something, maybe the most important till date to share with you guys! This is moreover a blog for your suggestions! I won't be laying off the high moral suggestions here, I just want to know what you guys think about it.You can even make a anonymous comment too. Now here it goes! I'm 17 now and yeah 17, teen age, the age of craze but recently i am having a lot of changes, hope they are just hormonal but these are mark able changes!I can't just quietly ignore them. I started a show-off case, pretending being what i am not. I am just a good guy as everyone noted but no i don't feel it as per my definition of good. I am totally avoiding the reality and Damn! caring about things i shouldn't be. Like " Damn! Did i sound rude to her? " " Does she like me ?" " Maybe! She acts different around me " ...

Ask me anything! -SW

Late night Blogs. When you try to get to sleep but the only position you would be reaching is opening your PC to post out this nonsensical bog regarding ....................... I don't  know of a topic but Huh let me see,what do you want to hear about?  Well i'll be here for an hour and luckily if by any chance any person would be kind enough to ask anything i would promise to honestly post about it but  better make it about Psychology or the things in which experience matters!  And let's start now! 

Movies and our behaviour

Hey guys. It's Saturday and let me share something today too. It's my experience with movies> yeah! We all do watch them and sometimes are o much fantasized by them that we forget our self and try to imitate what's shown out there! You can't say no to that! Trust me i's just something that we had once in our life! This feeling caught me up not long ago but a few years back. IDK maybe i was 13 or something ( I'm 18 now) that i was damn fantasized by a movie and then another and it was a regular pattern that i watch one and a different thought occurred in me and every time it was based on the movie i watched. Yeah a new fantasy every time, either maybe saving the world or falling in love. When i was 16 i just thought it was some immaturity that caught me up but 18 and i still care for that.Yeah watching all those movies and growing different ideas of life that i was afraid to deal with real life to find out the actual meaning of it! I felt lost for an instanc...