
Selena Gomez Sketch

Wow, just found this sketch a couple of days ago on the internet(it's been here long ago though) I downloaded and tried sketching, well let's say copying but yet always something goes wrong.. I hope i can make a better one soon.. There's still something about her that no one except god could make a replica of that beauty...  ;) Let's hope i can make the best i could.. (:

Arsenal Vs Barcelona

We lost again.. But we are consistent... Well,let's hope for next year.. (:

Making a card tower. (ALL IT TOOK WAS PATIENCE) and the three rules i learnt.

So for the first time, realising i have enough leisure,i sat down to do something, try something i had never tried before. I wondered to make a card tower. I had a packet of card at first and i tried for a five storied tower but everytime i was to the third step it collapsed either due to my breathing or shaking hands.. So i decided, In my chair i recided, Calmed my hands and took a card, Slowly started and went upward, One by one step by step, Light breathing,full of patience, An hour passed and then the other, Not more than 5 levels had been over, 6th, 7th and 8th then i heard a knock on the door, It was my sister and all cards falled on the floor, i tried again this time it was easy 1st 2nd and i had reached the 10th, then i felt lazy, As my plan was to the 10th, To which i went. There i learned a lesson for life, Let's call it a rule of "decide" It's you who makes your fate, Your task, when you'll do it early or late. What you plan with your...

Trying to draw Charlie sheen Sketch

My first ever sketch.. I tried to draw Charlie Sheen . I was no good at sketching prior to this but i see with a good determination, anything is achieveable.. (:

Friend or foe?? (Part 1)

What was it?? I asked him as i turned around.  I could see a knife with it's handle in his hand and the sharp edge nowhere to be seen. The most i could see of the knife was it was insterted in a red spot with it's sharp edge and suddenly u felt the world disapper and i fainted as he stabbed me again with the same knife on the same spot. I was helpless as it had been like one of the situatuions like the assasination of Julieus Ceaser where he was stabbed by his own people,or i could say friends.. The situation here was not different.I could see the person whom i called my best friend stabbing me till death... it was a horrbile feelinh and the only good thing about the scenario was that it was a dream.. i woke up to find myself in sweat. My hearbeat was resonation with the sound from the wall clock which was now way louder than it ever could've been. I Thanked god for it just being a dream when i was unawrae that my life would witness a similar event. :(

My first video. A VLOG

Check out my first video.. A vlog... a video of my previous blog.. Titled: Just remember how you kissed me.. :)

The Get Together Dilemma.... :(

And the last farewell.. Sheduled to be on March 19 2016 and i suddenly started to question my plans on attending or not the ceremony. It's actually a Get Together. But if i had to get her.. i had to stay away from her as far as possible.. i don't want a misunderstanding be created due to the friendship on relationship. And ugh, trust me today i got it, in this low state of my life when three mood breakers are attacking at a time( Coordinator strikes again, she has been off for a time and last night i had bad(suicidal)thoughts) which i told no one. But 1out of the total n number of people turned up to my aid.. All others were making fun up the situation and it was beyond control... i hated it.. but i had to prove.. and despited i had a fight with "A" ((that's her initial, i ain't calling her Sw31 no more)) i called her up. She was from a distant place but yet she had known bout my problem. How?? I didn't cared.. Neither i had to .... i just write, thinking...